About Us
About Us

Airport and Aviation Systems
Airport development, including aviation system studies, airport master plans, architecture, site studies, financial appraisals and environmental studies are ICT’s forte. Our design and engineering experience encompasses all phases of project development. ICT’s specializations include planning of facilities for passengers and cargo terminals, hangars, air traffic control centers, airfield ground lighting systems, navaids, other operational buildings, fuel hydrant systems, approach roads, car parks, runways, aprons, taxiways, etc. ICT also provides integrated consultancy services in traffic forecasts, site selection, conceptual layouts, master planning, detailed engineering, techno-economic analysis of airport investments and execution of airport systems, including specialized studies in connection with setting up of Aviation Training Centers.
Airport Master Planning
The object of Master Planning of an airport for the up-gradation of an existing airport or a green field airport is to plan facilities conforming to International Civil Aviation Organisation Standards and Recommended Practices. Activities undertaken for master planning include:
Land Use Planning
Design of Terminal Building, Cargo Complex and Ancillary Buildings
Design of Airside facilities i.e., Runway, Taxiway and Apron, etc.
Design of Land Side Facilities
Provision of Commercial Activities
Provision of Airline Maintenance Hangars
Provision of airline MRO Facility, etc.
Provision of ATC Tower & Technical Block
Provision of Radio Navigational Aids
Traffic Study, Forecast and Analysis
To make traffic assessments for an airport for aircraft and commercial operations, it is important to understand economic potential of the hinterland / region where the airport is proposed to be established / upgraded. The study helps in planning airport facilities for Aircraft / Commercial Operations. The study includes the following:
Past trends, present strengths and prospective development scenario
Comparative statement of Transport connectivity
Study of population employment, income, or Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Interaction with Stake Holders
Traffic Forecast for passengers, cargo, etc. including selection of Design Aircraft
Design Services
With our wide and varied experience of handling various airport projects in India and abroad, we provide specialized design services for development of airports. The design services include the following:
Preparation of Master Plans
Topographical and Hydrological Surveys
Obstacle Limitation Survey
Geo-technical Investigations, Material Survey and Analysis
Traffic Study, Analysis and Forecast
Sizing up of various facilities and design of Terminal Building / Cargo Facilities
Pavement Design
Environmental and Social Impact Analysis
Prefeasibility, Feasibility and Preliminary Engineering Studies.
Detailed Engineering Design and Drawings
Cost Estimate and Tender Documentation
Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies
Detailed Project Reports
Airport Engineering and Support Services
Provision of Airport Engineering and Support Services include:
Architectural Design of Terminal Building, Cargo Complex and other buildings
Car parking
Water Supply System
Sewerage and Storm Water Drainage System
Waste Disposal / Management System
Fire Fighting and Rescue Services
Power Distribution System
Aeronautical Ground Lighting
Air-conditioning System
Terminal Lighting System
Baggage Handling System
Fire protection System
Fuel Hydrant System
Pavement Evaluation
Design / Rehabilitation of Runway, Taxiway & Apron
Communication, Navigational and Surveillance Systems
Security Fencing
Project Management and Construction Supervision Services
Drawing on our varied and extensive experience in construction supervision projects, we offer complete construction supervision and management services for all types of airport works. We provide specialized construction supervision services in accordance with contract specification and conditions. These include:
Coordination and Liaison with authorities and contractor
Resource Scheduling
Project Management and contract administration
Construction Management
Construction Site Safety
Testing and Quality Control Measures
Claims Management
Implementation of Environmental Management Plan including mitigation measures, resettlement and rehabilitation plans
Lenders Engineer Services
Aviation Division has long experience to provide Lenders Engineer services to International Airports. These services are provided for both construction phase and operational phase of an airport. The LE services include:
Review the Annual Maintenance Program and recurring problems
Review and comment on the appropriateness and adequacy of the annual Operations and Management (O & M) budget
Reporting of Revenues and O & M costs to the Lenders
Advise on the warranty claims required to be raised by the Borrower, periodically review insurance policies and advise about their adequacy during the warranty period
Address all potential issues having an impact on the status of project operating permits and adherence to environmental regulations
Review tasks to be monitored considering Airports Council International (ACI) rating, and processes to be enhanced to maintain / improve the rating
Periodical site inspection as per requirement of Lender
Report on the condition of the airport site, equipment and operations
Certification of cost / capital expenditure for project related works